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November 25, 2010

Buckle Up

Buckle Up

As soon as you settle into your seat, a flight attendant makes you choose between sparkling wine or orange juice. You take a sip here, you take a sip there, you take off your shoes, you look at the window and stare. This scene is all too familiar to me:

Delta Airlines Business Class

Delta Airlines Business Class

Delta Airlines Business Class

This week has been cray cray for me. I've been dealing with far too many contractual offers and legalese. Big words such as representation, management, multi-media development, direct-to-retail, co-branding, rebranding, brand identity, cookie-cutter, remuneration, etc.

I've had my blog for over six years... six not-so-easy years of building something from scratch. My site is my baby and it's obvious that I want to push it (and myself, of course)  to another level but I don't want to lose control. It's like giving up my child and sending him to "boarding school" in exchange for something.

It's not easy, no, but sometimes, the only option left is to buckle up and let others do their job in order for you and me to takeoff...

Enough about me. What about you?

Where do you want life to take you tomorrow?

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